
Anecdotes traverse my Aussie Vernacular subtly as spreading Vegemite within some edible substrate. Both utilised in 61 years, presently an inner self I have not felt, for some 44 years since passing of my Father.
"ooopss..", 'Indie to most', a 13 year old Shitzu. Unwanted initially as Euthanasia of Greyhound “Ricky” very roar as daughters acquired Indie; another whom had traversed that scope between human, animal, love, hate, but unconditional trust, and ownership transcending bidirectionally. "ooopss.". initiated her puppy aura creating a joyful presence within abode, be it animals, or humans.
Reluctant to allow bonding whilst attempting removal of bitch, banter continuing for some months with daughters. Shitzu's are a breed requiring copious amounts of maintenance, it is at this point journey begins inevitable rabbit hole.
Registering for grooming classes learnng techniques for maintianing litttle bitch initiating bond pondering such intensity. Period initiated travel various vehicles walks but was adapted also with competitive ineptitude of a large white cat “Rodney” . Indie constantly competed with and played mother too all animals. Mateship transcended copius excursions to Bunnings where whe was a tradie, proud of herself and owners with her little prance, fruit purchases, camping trips, day trip past decade endured many.
Somethings never happen, like trip over Nullarbor, but dogs from East Coast visited, never seen her so happy, being a little mother, controlling, playing which has been unseen.
Departing aware necessary as electrical discharge never experienced just a dull thud controlled but inevitable. Vets unknown reality slow motion; In reality power of loss sudden painful
Wake for her being endowing, rear patio WA Family paid respects with a few beers and tears before leaving departing to her grave.
Some months has passed still find enacting chores have not gone Bunnings difficulty moving forward engrossing permanency