
Stonehenge Esperance

It is a full size replica of the original "Stonehenge" in the UK, as it would have looked around 1950BC. 137 Stones of Pink Granite were quarried opposite to the Esperance property.

The 10 Trilithon Stones in a Horseshoe pattern weigh between 38 - 50 tonnes

each, standing with the 18 tonne lintels to a height of 8 metres.

Inside the Trilithon Horseshoe stands another Horseshoe of 19 Blue Stones.

The Trilithon Stones are surrounded by a circle of 30 Sarsen Stones weighing 28

tonnes each and standing almost 5 metres high including the 7 tonne lintels on top.

Positioned between the Sarsen Circle and the Trilithon Stones is a full circle of

40 smaller stones, referred to as the Bluestone Circle.

The Altar Stone weighs 9 tonne and lies in front of the tallest Trilithon Stones.

Heel stone’s position to allow sun rays to pass through longest and shortest day of the year .

The structure is aligned with the summer solstice sunrise - Esperance, WA.

The Heel Stones are positioned on this line to allow the sun rays to pass

through to the Altar at sun rise on the summer solstice (longest day of the year -

21/22 d December). In winter the sun sets through the Giant Trilithon on the

solstice (shortest day of the year -21st June).

This is the same line as the Summer Solstice Sunrise.

The finish of the stones is achieved with a jet burner, which is a diesel fuelled

tool, which operates under air pressure from a large compressor. This gives a

very hot flame, very much like an oxy torch.

When applied to the stone face, the surface explodes leaving a more natural finish.

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